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Outsourcing To The Third World with Scott Trevethan- Episode 65

3 top tips from Scott Trevethan:

1.Value Your Time

There’s a gift that you’re there to give to the world. It probably doesn’t. If you’re a bookkeeper, that’s great. But if you’re not, then you got to value your time more and maybe stop doing the bookkeeping, get help. Because you’ve got the elevated helicopter view of your business rather than being in the weeds.

2. Know Your Numbers

Second one would be, know your numbers. So like a lot of business owners are out there, not really knowing how their business is performing, they sort of get a feeling they’ve got some sort of gut feel. I know if my machine is operating X number of hours, I must be making money. Or if I’ve got X amount of dollars in the bank account, then I must be doing okay. But I really encourage business owners to know your numbers, know what you’re trying to achieve, and absolutely have an idea anyway about what your business is doing. Because numbers are just the equal representation of all the stories of your business. So it sort of takes all these stories and puts them into something that’s very objective rather than subjective. So, know your numbers.

3. Trust Your Team, Empower Your Team

In general, people want to do their best. And they can only do their best if you trust them to. And you give them a structure that enables them to really do their best. So that’st the other thing I would have been empower people, and they will not let you down.

Debra chantry taylor


people, Debra,  bookkeeping,  clarity,  deal,  business,  objectives,  outsourcing,  talking,  book,  clients,  accounting,  meeting,  relationship,  work,  listen,  place,  entrepreneur

Debra Chantry-Taylor  00:12

Welcome to another episode of Better Business Better Life. I’m your host, Debra Chantry Taylor. I’m passionate about helping entrepreneurs and their leadership teams get what they want out of business and life. On the show, I invite successful business owners and expert speakers to share their successes. They are open and honest about the highs and lows of business and also life as a business owner. We want to share those learnings with you to inspire you, but also to help you avoid some of the common mistakes. My hope is that you take something from each of these short episodes that you can put into action to help you get what you want. Not only out of your business, but also your life. Welcome to another episode of Better Business better life. Today I am joined by Scott Trevethan, who is the CEO and founder of financial fanatics. Welcome, Scott.

Scott Trevethan  01:02

Thank you, Debra. It’s an absolute pleasure to be here.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  01:04

So we are not on the same part of the world as me. So you’re currently in?

Scott Trevethan  01:08

Melbourne, in Melbourne, overlooking the Port Phillip Bay. It’s, it’s quite beautiful. I’m very fortunate to be a home based office with such a lovely view. But yes, I mean Melbourne. Do you understand?

Debra Chantry-Taylor  01:22

Yes, yes. And a lot sooner than ever.  Yes, it’s been absolutely one of my favorite places. I love Melbourne, Adelaide. I’m a real fan of Adelaide, like Adelaide. But that’s one of my favorite places. So I’ve actually met Scott through business blueprint. And we talked about the fact that I had a podcast, it’s I’d love to come and talk to you. And we’ve just been catching up before this podcast on a recording about what Scott’s been up to. Now, he’s been an accountant for many, many years. And he’s really, really passionate about helping business owners and people know their numbers so they can make better business decisions. So Scott, why don’t just a little about your journey. So you know, how did you become an accountant? What have you been up to in the time, I can see that a profit first book in the background there in your in your video?

Scott Trevethan  02:00

Absolutely, absolutely. Well, I wanted to be a photographer, when I grew up in my old man and said, you know, maybe the accounting thing should be the best way to move forwards. Kind of one of those things that, you know, if you’ve got some sort of natural ability to do accounting, then that’s where you gravitate things become easier. I’ve tried a lot of other things. Accounting is where I excel in my skill set. So definitely that’s how I became an accountant. As same as my brother and my sister in law, and my father was an accountant. Amazing pedigree of accountants in our family. I’m the only exciting one though, I must say. That’s pretty exciting, too.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  02:35

Yeah. Okay, so the whole family of accountants. Wow! And so you obviously liked because you stuck to it as well. So tell me what it is that you love about the work that you do?

Scott Trevethan  02:47

Yeah, I love being able to help. I mean, certainly, I’ve worked for large multinational businesses, and I’ve worked for massive accounting firms and smaller accounting firms and my own accounting firm. And the thing that drives me the most is the small and medium sized business owner that puts everything on the line, and so often doesn’t get rewarded for that, for that leap of faith that they take, you know, everyone thinks that start a business and I have people listening here that no, that’s not the case. But you start a business and you’ll be a millionaire in no time. And you’ll be able to have all the time off in the world and boats and toys. But it just isn’t the case. And I think you know better accounting support better bookkeeping support, knowing numbers is so vital to that journey to help those people get the desserts that they really need.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  03:36

And so I always like to ask my guests about their professional and personal best. So you obviously have been on the planet for a few years. Tell me what are your so feel this professionally and personally?

Scott Trevethan  03:45

Well, if I can start with personally, I’m getting married in a month. So that’s really exciting to me. I think that was an exciting thing that I’ve done, and I certainly would. I’m about to embark on a we’re about to embark on not only a life journey, but a sailing journey up to the Whitsundays from Melbourne, up to the Whitsundays early next year. So, we’re really excited about getting the boat ready for that. So lots of exciting things coming up for me. But certainly my personal best was meeting Sandy, my fiancee, from a professional best, I think it was the best thing that I’ve done is being able to jump from owning an accounting firm to having my own entrepreneurial business. So which is a bookkeeping and accountant leasing business called financial fanatics. But it’s completely separate to being an accounting firm. You’re not a professional anymore. You’re a business owner, and I love having been able to make that jump, you know, so that it pays me and it generates good profits, I think has been a fantastic thing for me to acknowledge that I’ve achieved.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  04:48

Yeah, and just talking earlier, you know, you’ve now got a team of 80 people so it’s a significant size business. And that is very, very different to working as a technician as an accountant and an accounting firm some guessing life has changed somewhat for you?

Scott Trevethan  05:03

It certainly has, it certainly has. And only because I’m not on the tools anymore, because I’m not a technician, which means I do have a lot more freedom in, you know, I’m certainly working just as hard at times. But other times I’ve got the flexibility of doing other things, which is, which is great.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  05:19

So I understand that your business took quite a significant change in the last few years in terms of going from yeah, being an Australian based business into being a team that is now based overseas tell a little bit about that journey.

Scott Trevethan  05:33

Well, I’ve started financial fanatics in parallel with my accounting firm, and then let that sort of bubble along until it got to a point where it could sustain me and it was, it was my passion project. So we’re out there helping other businesses and doing some wonderful things. And I would dearly love to make it full time. So I sold my accounting firm, to free up my time, because accountants need to be there for their clients all the time. And then that helped me expand that business. So that was back in 2000. And probably about 2008, I sold my accounting firm, and then had a my marriage took a turn for the worst in 2019. And I found myself at the start of 2020 as separated person living in an apartment by myself, that was, it was a new apartment, but it was downstairs. So it was all dark and dank. And the world collapsing around me. I’d spent a lot of time in the Philippines, building my business up and making sure that the people were fantastic. And that’s how I ran the business by going over there, making the major decisions, I’d jump on a plane anytime. And you know, have a chat to the guys build that team, the operations and then I’d come back and do the sales and marketing here in Australia. But when COVID closed in around us, we were all of a sudden, you know, you can’t just jump on a plane and fly over the team. At the same time. There’s lots happening with the team as well, that needed those sort of decision making abilities. And I just could not get into the country. I begged and pleaded for them to let me to come into the Philippines that just didn’t work. So was some pretty dark days, you know, around about April 2020 was looked like everything was going to crumble and we wouldn’t end up with anything. So yeah, it was that was a tough time.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  07:15

So what happened to sort of turn that around, because it wasn’t such a long time ago.

Scott Trevethan  07:19

It feels like a long time feels like a lifetime ago, I met a guy who ran a car wash business, which sounded odd, but he also said he was an EOS implementer. And I’d never heard of EOS before. I asked him what that was he explained that he sent me rocket fuel or traction, one of the two as a as a gift and love that read it. And I thought, Ah, this is something that that I can use right now to implement if I can implement it remotely. And it can be the answer to my problem of not being able to jump on that plane and manage that business. So that and empower the team. So that’s what we did. So that’s how I got introduced to EOS and EOS was the thing that enabled me to effectively empower my, a great bunch of managers that I have over in the Philippines to do what they needed to do a lot more effectively than, you know, having to rely on me to answer the calls,

Debra Chantry-Taylor  08:21

Which is awesome as anyway simplifies that makes my heart sing. But I’m kind of keen to know, what was it about EOS that gave you that ability.

Scott Trevethan  08:32

The meeting structure, sort of understanding and defining roles a lot better, we would call it I guess, an accountability chart, the meeting tempo. So breaking it down into rather than just having ad hoc meetings all the time. But being able to have just one, I would never believe that we could just do everything that we needed to do as a leadership team, in 90 minutes max, you know, once a week, so that setting that meeting tempo, having a quarterly goals, understanding a little bit more about our business by creating the vision traction organizer and understanding, you know, who our target markets were and all that sort of stuff was a great discipline, even though you know, I’ve been an accountant, I understand planning, business planning. To a large degree, this sort of just simplified it all down and helped the team understand exactly what we were trying to achieve as well, which is more than I could do talking in their ear all the time.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  09:31

It’s really interesting, isn’t it? Because you know, I fell in love with EOS because of its simplicity. So originally done some scaling up training and and done some work around that and worked with the ice ours and I suddenly came across to us, oh my goodness. This actually takes all this amazing stuff that was a little bit too complicated and brings it into a nice, simple framework that us as entrepreneurs can actually work with. It doesn’t feel too constrictive. But at the same time, it brings us a little bit of structure that we actually need and those level 10 meetings, everybody says you can’t do all of our meetings in one meeting or you can’t get all of the business stuff done in 90 minutes a week. And yet when you start to do it, it actually becomes quite easy, doesn’t it?

Scott Trevethan  10:06

It does and you know what, our team gets really excited. We had a 40 minute meeting yesterday. And they’re like, there’s no nothing else needed. It just doesn’t need to go the full time it Yeah. And unbelievable that, that you can, I think it’s about for me, it’s about the empowerment of those individuals to, to be able to run the business or their part of the business, what they’re accountable for, you know, them understanding it. That’s the pure magic of the system.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  10:35

Because they get to see how it fits in with a greater vision of the organization, how that fits in with the goals for the year. And I think it also brings a real laser sharp focus. I mean, I had one client account, we had 43 things they wanted to get on the year. And it’s like, okay, even the best team in the world is not going to achieve 43 different things. Why don’t we narrow that down, and we got it down to about seven. And in that one year that they’ve been so working with it, they’ve made such huge inroads because they were trying to do too much.

Scott Trevethan  11:00

Absolutely, I’m pretty sure that’s where we were in our initial meetings with EOS was definitely a case of these are all the things that we need to do. Because I am the visionary, the founder of the business, you know, obviously, I set very high expectations and, and standards for people. But you know, actually bringing it down to things that people can actually achieve is a great way to move an organization forward.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  11:25

Fantastic. Now, you mentioned you’re the visionary. And this is probably a term that most people may have heard of, but don’t really understand what it means. So can you tell me in your sort of words, what you see the role as the visionary and where you do get involved and where you don’t get involved?

Scott Trevethan  11:40

I’ve got to be as hands off as possible, but I want to be hands on on everything. So the visionary I guess, is someone who deals with big relationships. So relationships with, you know, for us, it’s our landlord for our building that we rent in the Philippines. It’s our largest clients that might need some special hand holding or problem solving or, or just general advice. I’m responsible for creating the vision for having the big ideas. So I like to say I’m an ideas, man, I come up with plenty of ideas, most of them would be no good. But some of them might just change the world. So it’s, but that’s my job to come up with those ideas. And to be as hands off as possible, I think, which is the really hard thing for us visionaries to do, too. Because if we’ve got our fingers in every single pie just means up mash the pie.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  12:31

Yeah, completely. And so when you kind of discovered this visionary box, and we’re told that you could work on the big ideas, the crazy ideas have been relationships, was that a bit of a relief for you in terms of knowing where you could add some value? Or just tell me, you know, when you came across this concept, what did it mean for you?

Scott Trevethan  12:48

Oh, it’s an exciting prospect, because it frees up your time, first of all, so you think well, if all I do is, you know, I can do general oversight of the business and make sure it’s tracking in the right direction without interfering too much. But just coming up with it, and having space to come up with the ideas. It’s fantastic. Also the freedom that that gives you, because it’s not necessarily a full time job. So then might be oh, I can create other businesses or have other ideas that might not fit with this one. And, you know, my life plan would see me having four or five different businesses that I could be visionary of. And that’s certainly I think, an achievable thing to do if you’re not trying to do every single role in every single of those one of those businesses.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  13:33

And it sounds to me like you’ve actually managed to get to the point where you are able to let go while you’re letting your integrator on your team actually kind of get on with it. That doesn’t happen overnight, does it? What’s the journey? You’ve gone through it? Because I mean, first of all, you have to find the right person to be an integrator. So tell me a bit about your journey in terms of you know, handing over the reins, we call it letting go, how did you let go?

Scott Trevethan  13:54

So I found a person in the Philippines who was a friend of mine, and she has a business that was very similar to mine in terms of, you know, she least people, she doesn’t do the bookkeeping, but she, you know, was doing VA’s, and I thought she would be a good fit, because she understands at least how we work. And so she came along and, and went through the EOS process. I didn’t like it at all because it was sure you know, all of a sudden, it was giving other people a voicing to our values, which is something that I have said this is my business, my values, mine, and then it was you know, giving other people on the leadership team voice into our vision and you know what we want to achieve? And I’m like, No, that’s all me i. This is what I need to do. I don’t need you guys to have a voice. I need you guys to facilitate my ideas. But I went along with the process very skeptically. And the output that we got after just two short days or two long days, one month apart but was outstanding, the values exercise besides itself, I couldn’t not follow the logic behind where we morphed our values and our vision and you know what we were standing for. And then then it was easier to let go, because I could see that it was so much better than anything that I could create by myself.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  15:17

And I think there’s that sense of ownership too. And I’ve done this a number of times with clients where we go through this, the core values and the core focus exercise. And the founders are nervous that yes, it’s my business, I’ve got these values. And we ask the teams individually to come up with what they think the core values are based on the belief about working the business. And often they’re all very similar. And there’s not huge differences around what the core values should be. But it’s having that input and having them give their, their way of articulating it. Sometimes they do it better than we can I think. And so we’ve got this massive idea about what we want, but they go they nailed it in terms of the day to day practicalities. And so they feel like they’ve got some ownership, but also we end up with better results, right?

Scott Trevethan  15:58

Oh, absolutely. At the end of the day, you got to realize you got to think, is this a small business that I want to keep 100% control of? Or is this something that I want to free up and, and unleash on the world and help add value in a much broader scale than you ever could by yourself? So? Absolutely.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  16:15

Okay. So do you have a favorite tool in the Eos toolbox?

Scott Trevethan  16:20

There’s some tools in the toolbox that I desperately want to get the same page meetings, I have a shareholder in the business that I find difficult to not to get on the same page, but just to bring them up to speed with where we’re at and what we’re doing. Love that that sort of tool, I think would be. Yep.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  16:40

And you’ve talked about the level 10 meetings, of course. And then we’re probably the most popular tools in terms of all the tools that we teach. That’s the one that I think makes the biggest difference.

Scott Trevethan  16:48

Oh, absolutely. Level 10s. Those meeting tempos have the quarterly reviews, and then the annual reviews as well. It’s been fantastic. We had our annual review. Last time I visited the Philippines a couple of months ago, we’re in June. And it was going really well structured, great output that we got from that meeting was fantastic, really, really. And everyone stepped up another level was just great.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  17:14

And it’s again, it’s really funny, because you know, I share that, that tool for the annual performance reviews. And it’s you know, it’s a one page or two page document, but in which one you’re using. And so it looks pretty similar, we’ll go that can’t possibly be can’t possibly work. I remember when I was at Tower, I was managing quite a large team, it turned out we had a 14 page performance development and review process, we went through every quarter every once a year as well. And it was just overwhelming. And I don’t think it got any better result. But no, it didn’t. Then actually just using a one pager which other people analyze that we check in with the core values, they GW see their role. And then we ask what’s working, what’s not working. And, you know, it becomes as simple as that.

Scott Trevethan  17:50

And I love the people analyzer in terms of it constantly reinforcing the values of the business and what we stand for and who we are. And, you know, if you’re evaluating people about it, they’re performing the role based on the values and you can, as an owner, as a visionary, you can trust that people are going to do things that you would the way you would want them to do it. And I think that’s a beautiful part of that.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  18:14

So I mean, I’m sure that you know, your business has has grown consistently, but there must have been some ups and downs in that in that business growth. So they go from being you know, a small accounting firm to be a team of eighty. And there has to be some some challenges along the way, one of those challenges has been for you.

Scott Trevethan  18:30

There’s been lots of challenges we’ve had when we went to Cebu, which is where we’re based because we didn’t want to go to Manila. And I’m not a big fan of Manila. If you Manila is the very busy city, very smoky smoky, very hard to get around, it can take you two hours to get, you know, five kilometers in peak hour in Manila. So it’s best to avoid it. I was going to sort of not think about somewhere else other than the Philippines but someone suggested I check out Cebu, which is the second biggest city in the Philippines had some of those traffic problems, but nowhere near as much as the people are great. There just wasn’t any accountant specialist or bookkeeping firms specialists in Cebu. So we were kind of like first to market in that, which was great. And then the biggest player in the market came and plop themselves right near us. And then started to poach all of our staff, which was and pay them a lot more which is great for them. Not great for our Australian clients who then would have you know, all of them, the market just goes up and up and up when you when you tell people that’s what they’re worth. So sort of started a bit of a bidding war. So we lost it, you know, in one year, I think we had 20 of our team members go over to them because that was that’s been really tough. We’ve had to replace them, train them, you know, get our people up and really identify well what you know, there are a massive organization where we’re quite boutique. You know where to where’s our sweet spot when it comes to see serving clients. And it’s definitely around the bookkeeping side of things making that direct to to a small, medium sized business. And that’s where I’m really passionate about that side of our business, or the smaller accountants and smaller business bookkeepers that don’t want to go to the big guys, they don’t want to be treated like a number, they want to be treated with a lot more personal. So that was really tough, that thick entry of the competitor. And of course COVID last Christmas, as things were starting to open up, there was a typhoon that hit Cebu, which took out the water supply for about a week and took out power and internet. Fortunately, we have backup supplies of internet and there was the diesel generator in the building. So our power, we were able to maintain our service to our clients where a lot of other businesses couldn’t. So that was exciting. It was a one in 10 year event. So hopefully we got another nine years before that happens again. But yeah, certainly working in a third world country has a lot of challenges about, you know, the logistics and making sure that people can get to an office. Because we work in the financial services business, the privacy principles are so paramount to what we do, which means we really can’t except in exceptional circumstances, like COVID, early days in the Philippines, we don’t let people work from home because we just can’t control the information that they see and how they use that that information. 

Debra Chantry-Taylor  21:21

Okay, so you’ve actually got physical offices where your staff coming to them. And you’ve tried pretty much like a remote office, just as it would be in Australia, but they’re based in the Philippines. And you are responsible for training managing leading all that all done remotely? Or do you have a in your organizational chart? Do you have a head of operations? For example, operations person that looks after that particular thing?

Scott Trevethan  21:21

Yes, we do. So we have we actually split the head of operations role into our into two. And we have now head of bookkeeping and head of least accountants. And then we have HR, head of HR, that takes care of it and a head of finance over there as well, it does, you can imagine the payroll is quite complex to make sure that everyone gets paid right and paid on time, all that sort of stuff, and also manages their Philippine bank accounts. So yeah, the whole engine room of the business is taken care of by that Filipino team that then I don’t need to get involved in that at all.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  22:16

Sure. Okay. So on that, but the sales and the marketing is actually done from the Australian side of the business?

Scott Trevethan  22:21

Yes, yes. So I do that side of stuck to something that I’m interested in pattern. And as I love talking to people, I love, love that, that kind of interaction for how we can help them do that. 

Debra Chantry-Taylor  22:33

And that’s the thing with the accountability chart, you can actually wear a couple of hats in a business, you know, if you’re a visionary, but you also love the sales and marketing side, then you can actually still wear that accountability thing. And of course, it isn’t about titles, I use the term heads up. But I mean, more than the person is responsible for that function, that functional area, because it isn’t about titles about what they’re actually accountable for doing. So you’ve obviously got this people know exactly what their side roles are. And then in that leadership team, meeting with them being remote, how do you do it by zoom, Google Hangouts, something like that?

Scott Trevethan  23:03

Yeah, we zoom zoom away.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  23:04

Yep. Works well?

Scott Trevethan  23:07

Works very well. Works very well. You know, can you share your screen and the scoreboard and everything else just gets done and put up there, it makes it an easy way to do a meeting. Next week, I’ll be in the Philippines. And we’ll do a live meeting. And then we’ll do our quarterly review the week after. So yeah, sometimes, the first time I did a live meeting when I was back in the Philippines after COVID. All of a sudden, people started jumping on Zoom. And I’m like, no, no, no, no, no. Let’s all just got to the boardroom. let’s not, let’s not do the zoom thing anymore. So we know we can meet in person now. But it was kind of a bit of a stab start or, you know, meeting because we were just so used to doing it.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  23:48

And do you use any software to manage your EOS meetings and things or have you got your own granola with templates?

Scott Trevethan  23:54

We don’t we just have our own plates that we’ve done for the school board. And we use the standard EOS agenda.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  24:00

And again, that’s one of the things I love is that there’s some great software out there that actually helps him doing that we’ve got iOS one and a couple others it can do. But at the same time, anybody can run it. If you’ve got Excel in a Word document, you can actually run a EOS right.

Scott Trevethan  24:13

Yeah, exactly, exactly.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  24:16

Okay, so just in terms of, I love for the listeners to take something away from this that they can actually implement in their business. So I’m really pleased to hear that yours is working for you and Brett so that you know you’ve been able to get through all of the challenges have been the last couple of years will be your three top tips for anybody in business right now who’s either looking to grow or feeling like they’re stuck, they hit the ceiling. What would you say your three top tips for them?

Scott Trevethan  24:38

Tip number one is to value your time. There’s a gift that you’re there to give to the world. It probably doesn’t. If you’re a bookkeeper, that’s great. But if you’re not, then you got to value your time more and maybe stop doing the bookkeeping, get help. When it comes to the bookkeeping side of things, though, you know, everyone is You know, feels for those entrepreneurs that are out there at 10 o’clock at night doing bookkeeping work. But you don’t have to do that. And it’s often better to not do that. Because you’re you got the elevated helicopter view of your business rather than being in the weeds. So the first thing would be stopped doing the bookkeeping and value your time. Second one would be know your numbers. So like a lot of business owners are out there, not really knowing how their business is performing, they sort of get a feeling they’ve got, they’ve got some sort of gut feel, or they’ve got some sort of, well, I know if my machine is operating X number of hours, I must be making money. Or if I’ve got X amount of dollars in the bank account, then I must be doing okay. But I really encourage business owners to know your numbers, know what you’re trying to achieve, and absolutely have an idea anyway about what your business is doing. Because numbers are just the the equal representation of all the stories of your business. So it sort of takes all these stories and puts them into something that’s very objective rather than subjective. So, know your numbers. Yep. And the final one is, trust your team, empower your team. People want to, in general, people want to do their best. And they can only do their best if you trust them to. And you give them a structure that enables them to really do their best. So that’s, that’s the other thing I would have been empower people, and they will not let you down.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  26:28

No, I think that’s a really valid point. I think we’re often very scared of letting go because we’ve got to go. But you know, how do we know that they’ve got the best interests at heart. But if you’ve got the right structure in place, and they know what they’re accountable for are some clear boundaries and some scorecards they have to achieve. We don’t have to micromanage them. It’s like, actually, that’s your accountability, you know what you need to do go ahead and do it. Only if you’re not doing it, then it’s my role as a leader to step in and go, How can I help you to do that? And only then if that’s not working, there’s other conversations to be had. But I think you’re right, most people genuinely actually love having boundaries, love having things that they are aiming for, and love to actually take responsibility for things.

Scott Trevethan  27:04


Debra Chantry-Taylor  27:05

Yeah. Oh, brilliant. Okay, so cool. This is really interesting, because obviously, we haven’t talked about this before. So this has been really helpful to hear your side of it. If people were thinking about using EOS, or maybe sitting on the fence or knowing or one not quite sure, you know, I’m not sure if I like the structure, or would you say to them.

Scott Trevethan  27:22

I’d say if you’ve got enough people around you, I think for one man bands it can be if you’re wearing every single hat, then you’re you know, you’re not really getting the benefits of the system. If you’ve got enough good people around you. And you want to take that next level in your business, then I would 100% Encourage them, I would have never looked back. I’ve never thought of using anything other than EOS. I think it’s just fantastic. I know if you get too big at certain points. It can get a bit clunky when you’re really large. But let’s hope we all get to that size.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  27:53

Thank you. It’s interesting. I mean, I have in the US we generally say between 10 and 12. And veggie stop is like the perfect size because that’s when it works really, really well. We’ve got some clients in the US have got four or 500 staff and it’s still doing it. And it just comes down to not over complicating it keeping it as simple as you possibly can. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Cool. Hey, look, I’ve really enjoyed hearing your stories. Thank you so much. If people want to get in contact with you for a couple of reasons, they might want to learn about the bookkeeping services that you offer or ask you a few questions about EOS, how would they get ahold of you, Scott?

Scott Trevethan  28:23

Probably the best thing to do is go to our website, which is and there there’s a bunch of different things that you can click on I’ve got an eBook called Unfunk Your Business Finances. if you’re if you need to know how to read balance sheets, or profit and losses, then, then that’s, that’s there for you to have. And if listeners of this show would like me to send them a hard copy of that book, I’d only be too delighted if you did want to subscribe to that eBook. Just send me a little you’ll get the links to my emails and just send me a little message and I’ll send you a hard copy of that book. It’s called Unfunk Your Business Finances.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  29:02

Your business finances, excellent again, like the quiz question, copy myself. Sounds good.

Scott Trevethan  29:06

So my all my contact details are there. I don’t hide I’m generally very, very,

Debra Chantry-Taylor  29:11

Very easy to find. Well, that’s fantastic. Hey, look, I really appreciate your time and you’re sharing your expertise and your your journey with you. Congratulations on your marriage as a person who just recently got married a few years ago, myself, and I know that it’s great to find that person that makes you happy again, and had an awesome time in the woods Sunday’s I mean, I can’t believe that you’re going off. And so how long are you going for?

Scott Trevethan  29:34

Well, at the moment, it’s planned for three months, but we’ll see. We’ll see how the business is doing and, and how often I have to get off the boat and deal with things but if it goes well, we might just keep going around and doing a lap.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  29:49

So definitely. You’re gonna be recently married and living in a tiny little boat. Yeah.

Scott Trevethan  29:54

Nothing like marriage for that. Yeah.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  29:57

Excellent. Actually having just got back from it. a two weekend  trip around the South in a motorhome with my husband, which was very pretty tiny. It was actually one of the best trips I’ve ever done was a lot of boaters even more exciting being out on the various bits. Anyway. Cool. Well, hey, look, thank you so much for your time. Really appreciate it lovely to talk to you. If you want to get in contact with Scott, as you said, you can go to, ask him for a copy of his book Unfunk Your Business Finances. And yet feel free to ask him questions about bookkeeping, overseas teams or EOS. Anything that takes your fancy, Scott appreciate your time. Thank you very, very much. Look forward to seeing you again.

Scott Trevethan  30:36

Soon. My pleasure. Thank you very much, Debra.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  30:38

Thanks again for joining us on better business better life with me your host Debra Chantry Taylor. If you enjoy what you heard, then please subscribe to this podcast. And let us help you to get what you want out of business in life. Each week we release a new short episode which will give a success story and three takeout’s to put into action immediately. These will help you take your business from good to great. The podcast is also supported by free resources, templates and useful tools which you can find at I am a trained entrepreneurship and business coach, a professional EOS implementer and an established business owner myself. I work with established businesses to help them get what they want. Feel free to contact me if you’d like to have a chat about how I might be to help you. Or if you’d like to join me as a guest on this podcast. Thanks again to entered audio editors for producing this podcast. See you.


Debra Chantry-Taylor 

Profepreneurial Leadership & Business Coach | Bus

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Professional EOS Implementer New Zealand

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