Business Action was born out of a desire to help mid-market New Zealand businesses grow.

Having experienced the frustrations of more than 300 businesses she has consulted for over the last 25 years, founder Debra Chantry-Taylor discovered the EOS® framework and recognised the clarity and traction this could deliver.

She then set her sights on adapting it to the New Zealand market, to help business owners & leaders to take back control and grow their business.

She works with Trusted Partners to deliver a full range of Business Support, underpinned by EOS® (The Entrepreneurial Operating System).

Take Action. Make Change.

Business leadership is one of the most demanding yet rewarding journeys we can take. It’s a road full of unexpected challenges that you can only truly understand if you’ve been there.

And we understand because we’ve been there.

We know that while every business is unique, most businesses have the same fundamental issues. There’s a wealth of strategy and leadership information out there but most new ideas and new tools fail to deliver results.

What is compelling about the models, tools and systems that we use is that rather than join the masses and claim every business needs a bespoke business plan, they’ve created a proven solution that addresses everyday managerial and organisational challenges.

These proven processes deliver, on average, a 20% bottom-line improvement through improved efficiencies and growth. We are so confident in the process that each session is guaranteed – if you don’t get value, you don’t have to pay.

With an MBA and a career spanning senior management, leadership, business consulting. and governance roles, Debra has a mix of academic knowledge and a depth of real-world business experience. She is also an Accredited Family Business Advisor.

Today, she is focused on delivering real change through EOS. Debra is now a trained and Professional EOS management consultant. She combines her real-world experience with the tools, training and backup of the worldwide EOS network to take entrepreneurial leadership teams to the next level.

Debra brings 25 years of real business experience, including 18 years in senior management and leadership roles before moving into governance and consulting to her role as founder of Business Action.

She’s worked with over 300 businesses to help them move ahead & achieve more.

Debra Chantry Taylor Certified EOS Implementer Accredited Family Business Advisor
Jeni & Nick Clift | EOS Implementers

Jeni Clift

From working in the corporate landscape to co-founding an international, award-winning ICT business, Jeni Clift has a wealth of experience in creating a successful business environment.

With 30 years of experience across various industries, she has invaluable insight into the motivators, values and behaviours that drive business growth and development.

After seeing the impact of EOS in her business, she trained to become a Professional EOS Implementer to equip other entrepreneurs with the systems and tools for success.

Her driving purpose is to help business owners get more of what they want from their businesses through implementing EOS.

Nick Clift

Nick Clift started his career in Information Technology in 1981. He quickly progressed through the service department. In 1995, he relocated from Melbourne to Sydney to take on the role of National Technical Support Manager for Unisys.

During this time, Nick and his wife Jeni, decided to leave the corporate world and start their own IT Services Business.

Roll forward 26 years, Nick has started 3 business’s, acquired 2 businesses and completed a merger to form Otto IT in 2021. As an owner and co-founder of Otto IT (formerly DWM Solutions), Nick is instrumental in its almost 20 years of operation and success. For DWM, the implementation of EOS in 2017 was a crucial turning point. EOS created straightforward accountability throughout the company, a simple framework to measure targeted areas and instilled a culture of discipline throughout the organisation.

After seeing the impact of EOS in his business, he trained to become a Professional EOS Implementer and equip other entrepreneurs with the systems and tools for success.

Our happy customers.

Debra & all of our EOS Implementers & Trusted Partners have extensive experience with many previous clients. We are more than happy to put you in touch with anyone that has been through our system so you can talk to them about their experience.

Take the First Step

Talk to Business Action today