The Difference Between Business Coaching In NZ And EOS Implementation

EOS Implementation NZ

If you think you need business coaching in NZ, you have probably Google’d a few options and come up with business consultants, business coaches, EOS Implementers and more. It can be confusing to understand the differences between these different professionals, how they can help you and which is the right one for you.

What Is A Business Coach?

Business coaching in NZ is about providing support for the Business Owner or CEO. Our goal is to support you in a long-term relationship through every change, opportunity for growth, challenge & major decision that your business experiences.

We will provide guidance, a sounding board, support, encouragement & of course accountability.

For some people they like the long-term nature & the security of having someone at your side as the business changes.

Sometimes a Business Coach can also be a Business Mentor. They will share experiences that they have, to help you make better decisions.

Some Managers prefer to have the consistency of a business coach over the long term, as they guide you through the different development stages of your business growth over time.

What Is An EOS Implementer?

An EOS Implementer is a specially trained & accredited graduate of a thorough, intensive training programme in the proven methods of EOS. They are required to be a seasonal entrepreneurial leader / business owner & as part of their EOS worldwide accreditation commitment, they also participate actively in the EOS global community, ensuring that they are keeping up to date with training & self-improvement.

When they work with you & your leadership team, they will guide you through a proven process.

They will lead you through a systematic process of your business’s Six Key Components: Vision, People, Data, Issues, Process and Traction. If you observed 10 different EOS implementers in 10 different companies, they all would be following the same proven process, yet customised to your business

Their role in your business is 3 fold;

  • Teacher – to teach you the EOS tools & Model
  • Facilitator – to help your team have the much needed conversations
  • Coach – to offer an independent perspective whilst sharing the experiences of other teams

What is a Business Consultant?

A business consultant often focuses on a key areas of the businesses. Using their skills & experience, they will give advice & help to plan to make changes to the business.

They will tell you what to do & often how to do it.

Cost Implications Of Business Coaching In NZ Versus EOS Implementers

Business coaching in NZ can be an ongoing expense as you continue to get advice on a range of business matters. This differs from the EOS Implementer, as our role is to teach you the EOS tools & help you embed them into your business so that you can graduate.

Our role is to arm your leadership team with the tools and knowledge they need to be successful independently, getting out of your way and letting you & your leadership team run your own business

Most companies take around 18 months to 2 years to graduate & so there is a fixed cost in the implementation of EOS into your business. Each EOS Implementer works on a fixed daily rate for the sessions & the rate that you start on is the rate that will stay with you for your EOS journey so that you can budget for this. We also have a guarantee that takes away any risk for you.

That said, many of our companies choose to continue to work with an EOS Implementer once they have graduated to give an impartial facilitator for their Quarterly & Annual Planning sessions.

Often, EOS Implementation & Business Coaching or Leadership Coaching go hand in hand.

In fact, we have a trusted partner network to ensure that you can find the right experts to supplement your EOS journey. This includes individual leadership coaching, business coaching for the Business Owner or EO & many other professional in the People & Culture space, Marketing, Sales & CFO spaces

Why Choose An EOS Implementer Over Business Coaching In NZ?

First of all, we believe that no one size fits all & it is horses for courses, so establish what you really want for your business. Do you want someone to work with you, as the Business Owner or CEO, or do you want someone to work with the whole team to implement systems & processes through teaching, facilitation & coaching?

We’ll be glad to help you figure this out by doing a free Discovery call & showing you what each can do for your business.

We’re passionate about helping business owners & their leadership teams lead better lives through creating a better business & we’ll work with you to help you decide what is best for you.

But why might an EOS Implementer be a better option than Business Coaching?

The main focus of the EOS Implementer will be to ensure that leadership teams become skilled at getting the most out of their business, using tried and trusted tools & a proven process to optimise their business operating system. An EOS Implementer help leadership teams get better at 3 things – Vision Traction & Healthy by focusing on helping the business grow across the following components of a successful business: Data, Vision, People, Process, Issues and Traction. Once set up with these components, the business team is then ready to fly on their own (we call this graduation)  and achieve their predicted goals (EOS helps you get really good at predicting) , based on their own actions. The success is yours & theirs to enjoy.

For more information on the differences between business coaching in NZ and hiring an EOS Implementer to build your business, contact Business Action today. We offer both business coaching & EOS Implementation – following a structured program that follows a proven process that guarantees performance and gives you the confidence to improve your business and life.


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