When Ventell started working on Be Nourished’s brand, they helped the Be Nourished go from making a loss to making a profit in less than 18 months. You have a brand when your brand contributes to cashflow. That’s why a brand isn’t just a logo and name, although that’s a good place to start. A brand is every single way your products and your company interact with people. For example, a brand is where your product gets sold, which is why you won’t find Clarins at the Warehouse. So when Be Nourished was approached by Farro to put their product into their store, it was the perfect opportunity. It’s not just increased sales through extra distribution, it’s the context in which your brand appears. Did you know that your average shopper in a supermarket spends less about 30 seconds to review an entire category. A supermarket has about 50,000 items on sales. The impression your brand has at point of sale (POS) is critical. Some brands like Hubbards (muesli) have built themselves entirely on the supermarket shelf. To become attractive at POS, we needed to modernize Be Nourished. A brand is its price. It’s not just about having a margin that sustains your business, it’s about communicating quality. Stella Artoi’s “reassuringly expensive” says it all. Needless to say we needed to lift the price. A brand is everywhere you communicate with your customer. It’s not just your ads, but what your brochures and posters look like. It was at the Food Show that we really started to tell the Be Nourished story. We used the imagery of a heart and the line “It’s love from your taste buds to all the way inside” to communicate that it had a great taste and was great for your body through the powerful emotion of love. Now you’ll even find that heart shape on their aprons. A brand is even the experience people have on your Facebook page and on your website, but that’s another story. With this game plan, Be Nourished was able to increase their turnover considerably. A brand is so much more than a logo and a name. And that’s how, in 2014 Be Nourished won the Westpac Business Award for Marketing. To learn more about what really matters when building a brand come to our workshop. Click here to find out more.
Nourish your Brand
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Debra Chantry-Taylor
Debra Chantry-Taylor
With an MBA and a career spanning senior management, leadership, business consulting, and governance roles, Debra has a mix of academic knowledge and a depth of real world business experience. Today, she is focused on delivering real change through EOS. Debra is now a trained, certified EOS management consultant. She combines her real world experience with the tools, training and backup of the worldwide EOS network, to take entrepreneurial leadership teams to the next level.