Better Business, Better Life Newsletter – Issue 32

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As we head into another week, I take great pleasure in sharing my curated articles, tips & tools in a short read that will hopefully give you a few ‘aha’ moments as well as some laughter or joy. Most of all I hope it gives you pragmatic inspiration & helps you on your journey to doing what you love, with people you love, making a huge difference, being compensated appropriately with time to pursue other passions – #TheEOSLife.

Here’s this week’s business tip, life hack & find of the week… Some of them are original, most are things I have come across in my weekly pursuit of self-improvement & living a better life, through creating a better business. And don’t forget the inspirational quote, which you can download as a wallpaper or lock screen for your phone.

As always, if you find great things that you’d like to share then feel free to email me for inclusion in one of my weekly newsletters. I’m always looking for new & exciting things to share each week. And if you think someone else would like to receive the newsletter in their inbox, directly from my inbox (no newsletter apps used here!) then please let me know –


Creating the best rocks

Simple doesn’t always mean easy. In fact, sometimes it can be hard to keep things simple.

The same is true of setting rocks in your business.

As Ben says in his EOS blog, “I’ve always thought of Rocks like skiing. Seems easy in concept, difficult in practice, and especially difficult to truly master!”.

In EOS we teach the importance of rocks. Breaking down your business plan into a 90-day world & having every team member team focus on three to seven key things (or personal rocks) that drive toward company-level rocks.

But what happens if you set weak rocks? Of if you don’t feel like you are rocking your rocks?

Find out in this article from EOS:

I have some time free to chat to you about EOS if you’re keen to learn more.


Finding the courage to say goodbye

Do you have someone in your team that you know isn’t the right person?

This may feel like a business article but in reality having someone in your team who isn’t the right fit creates stress, anxiety & a whole range of other emotions, not only for you but also for the rest of your team, so it really can create a better life if you deal with it.

You’ve done the People AnalyzerTM on them & they just don’t reach the bar… Although in truth you knew that before you even got that tool out!

So, why are you keeping them on? We all know the rotten apple can affect the whole organisation very quickly. And yet, you haven’t dealt with it. Why not?

I promise you that once that person finally leaves, things will start to change immediately.

As Nathen says in his EOS blog, “Without exception, you see that everyone feels better.”

Read more about the negative impact the wrong people can have on your business.

If you’d like to understand how to have that tough conversation, then have a listen to Tony Falkenstein’s ‘Just Life’ talk about how he does it, in a way that makes everyone happier:


Online shopping with heart

With the ongoing lockdowns, I have been doing a LOT of online shopping. Not that I wasn’t always an avid online shopper, however I don’t even want to go outside at the moment, so I’ve moved everything to home delivery.

And this week I wanted to shout out an amazing online business. Unichem Stokes Valley Pharmacy in Lower Hutt is part of a big chain but its definitely a family-owned Pharmacy that cares.

I was looking online for some nail stuff & when I googled what I wanted, I see they had a promo on that if you bought one, you got one free.

This was great – so I went through & ordered a whole lot of things from the range with the same deal. So far so good…. But it gets better.

When it came to checking out, it just didn’t seem to add up quite right – I felt that the total should have been higher. So I submitted the order & asked the question – was it right?

I was contacted within an hour of submitting the order – I got a text message & a short convesation ensued:

This in itself left me feeling happy. 

And then the parcel arrived & with it came a free gift, a hand-written thank you card & discount code for my next order. 

Now as a business coach, I might say that I didn’t really need the extra discount code – they already had me with the text messages & free gift, but it was yet another way to make my day. 

What are you doing to make your customers feel special? I know I have to up my game! 


This week I was challenged on LinkedIn to share if I had ever been sacked. And the reality is, yes I have & so I shared this story –

Which is why I love this quote:

“Failure is a detour; not a dead-end street.” – Zig Ziglar

You can download this a wallpaper or lock screen for your phone.


​If you’d like to learn more about any of these tools or would like to find out how I can help you achieve a better life through creating a better business, then book a free Discovery Call with me.

We’ll talk about what you want to get from your business & your life & come up with a plan to do that!

Debra Chantry-Taylor

Certified EOS Implementer | Accredited Family Business Advisor |  Entrepreneurial Leadership & Business Coach | Speaker & Workshop Facilitator