Better Business, Better Life Newsletter – Issue 21

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So, if I am honest, I am feeling a little torn at the moment. I am about to celebrate my birthday this weekend, which I always enjoy, however, once again, it will be in lockdown. Last year was my 50th & my wedding at this time & we were madly rushing around re-arranging all the planned celebrations, which eventually took place in October.

This year, it’s not a mad rush to re-organise things, it was more a send of ‘oh well’, better cancel all the nice things we had planned & see what we can do instead. I am pleased to say we have a beautiful seafood platter being delivered for my birthday dinner & although we can’t have a couples massage, I am sure I can convince Steve to help me out with mine at least.

And that’s what lockdown life is like isn’t it? There are certain things you can change & certain things you just need to live with & choose how you deal with them.

I’m sharing my top 3 tips for dealing with lockdowns in Better Life this week, as well as some other useful things.

So, here’s this week’s business tip, life hack & find of the week…

As always, if you find great things that you’d like to share then feel free to email me for inclusion in one of my weekly newsletters.


Community is everything

Well, maybe not everything, but having people or peers who are going through the same or similar things that  you can talk to & ask questions of is certainly a help when times are uncertain or scary. Not just in a pandemic or lockdown, but when the business is Hitting the Ceiling & needs to break through.

It goes without saying that your EOS Implementer will help you with all the right tools & tricks but sometimes it’s just good to talk with peers.

It’s part of the reason I was a member of EO (The Entrepreneurs Organisation) for 3 ½ years.

EO gives you a forum where you can meet with peers on a monthly basis to share problems & gain insights, based on experience, not theory.

EOS has similar online forums that can help.

Now is not to time to put working ON the business on hold – now is the time to make sure you are doing everything you need to to keep the business moving forward. I know it’s tempting to ‘wait & see’ what happens – However, it’s those that worked on the business in the last major lockdown that are now smashing all their targets – don’t lose that Momentum!

Here are 3 places you can sign up & get support:

  • The EOS Website – general blogs, tools, books etc
  • The EOS Community – made up of businesses running EOS from around the world. If you haven’t joined up yet then I highly recommend it
  • The Rocketfuel University – Another free membership that helps Visionaries & Integrators with tips, tools & community

If you want to start getting clear on your vision, getting traction with your business & creating a healthy & smart team then let me know. We are fully set up to run virtual sessions, which utilise a mixture of smart technology, great software & good old fashioned whiteboards & multiple cameras – it’s almost as good as being in person!


Give up the social media doom scrolling & replace it with these! 

Don’t worry – I am just as guilty of it. Reaching for my phone first thing in the morning to see what the latest developments are & then feeling miserable because of all the negativity & people fighting with each other on social media.

It can be tough in these times of uncertainty – we want to know what’s going on but there’s a real danger that you can get into a negative spiral of doom. So, I generally try to focus on 3 things during these times:​

  1. Focus only on the things that I can control & know that I can’t change what happens but I can change how I choose to deal with it
  2. Up my gratitude for everything good in my world, to keep me in the right head space. I use my journal but I also watch
  3. Try to limit the amount of time ‘doom scrolling’ on social media & keep connected in a real way with people who will support each other

That said, I am human, I am now confined to a 31 square metre city home with my husband, 2 dogs & 3 cats & it’s my birthday this weekend & I am stuck in lockdown again… So I am sure I will have my moments 😊

I also know that sometimes it just helps to have someone to talk to.

So if I can help in ANY way then I am happy to be here for you – just call me, text me, message me, email me.

I can help with business stuff, of course, but I’m also happy to be the person who just allowed you to rant, scream, cry,  whatever – to get it all out.

You won’t be the first – I already had 2 clients yesterday do this, so don’t feel embarrassed or like there would ever be any judgement.

Of course,  EOS has some great tools that can also help through these times, so if anything that raises its head & you want some help, just let me know.


Decent Face Masks for people who wear glasses!​

As a glasses wearer, I struggle with wearing masks, as my glasses always seem to fog up.  Even those with built-in ventilation filters, don’t seem to cut it.

So I was quite relieved back in March / April last year when one of my clients found & supplied these masks.

There are cotton reusable masks that you can add an N95 filter inside them if you want & they have a metal piece on the nose that you can bed to fit the shape of your nose, stopping the warm air from your mouth from getting to your glasses.

Plus they’re a good size, so they properly cover your whole nose & mouth.

They come in a range of 9 colours to complement your eyes or any outfits & you can even have them screen printed with your company logo on them if you want to 🙂

I’m not wearing my glasses in this photo & I’m really unsure what the man behind us was doing, but you can see that these work for males & females – with or without glasses. I am wearing the colour Celestial & Steve is wearing Colony Blue.

I had been expecting another lockdown for a while so I placed a new order 2 weeks ago. They arrived on Tuesday morning – talk about perfect timing as we head into another few months of rolling lockdowns & mandatory mask-wearing.

You can order them from my client’s website & she’ll courier them out to you. Thanks, Mandy x


I think we need something funny at the moment rather than inspirational – this was shared by one of my fellow EOS Implementers & I just love It!  Thanks to 


​If you’d like to learn more about any of these tools or would like to find out how I can help you achieve a better life through creating a better business, then book a free Discovery Call with me.

We’ll talk about what you want to get from your business & your life & come up with a plan to do that!

Debra Chantry-Taylor

Certified EOS Implementer | Accredited Family Business Advisor |  Entrepreneurial Leadership & Business Coach | Speaker & Workshop Facilitator