Better Business, Better Life Newsletter – Issue 20

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Here’s this week’s business tip, life hack & find of the week… And don’t forget the inspirational quote, which you can download as a wallpaper or lock screen for your phone.

As always, if you find great things that you’d like to share then feel free to email me for inclusion in one of my weekly newsletters.

BONUS – We’re running a series of events that teach the EOS Model & tools. If you’d like to attend & learn more about EOS, understand how to use the tools plus go home with a workbook & a copy of the Traction book (& a free lunch) then send me an email & I’ll send you a VIP code that will get you either a complimentary ticket or a discounted ticket to the event. See the link to the event at the bottom of the email.


Is it time to clear the air? 

If your weekly Level 10 Meetings (or team meetings) are going really well on the surface, seemingly quite productive, but you sense or know something is bubbling below, then it might be time to run a ‘Clear the Air’ meeting with your EOS Implementer.

Sometimes (as the article says) it’s just an underlying tension & even though the whole team can feel it, even they don’t know where it comes from.

It becomes the elephant in the room – which as you know is why I love my Elephant so much – it can help us to bring these to light in a fun way!

Just 15-20 minutes can resolve this issue for ever & stop it from killing the progress that your team has made.

Read more here:

If you need help with facilitating one of these meetings or would like any tools to help you with this, then please contact me.


Confidence not Cockiness! 

I had the absolute pleasure of spending an evening with my dear friends, Richard Macdonald & Don Brash last week. Richard hosted at his new apartment in the city & he had invited a bunch of students & graduates to join us.

Imagine being 16 years old or 22 years old and having the chance to spend an evening with the ex-Reserve Bank Governor & leader of not one but two political parties in NZ, a successful business owner & an ex-Icehouse coach.

Secretly I wished I had gotten that opportunity when I was that age. I would have sat there in absolute awe & gratitude & asked so many questions – and I probably would have had my Dictaphone with me to record it all – yes I am that old!

We had some great conversations & I think we probably solved half the world’s problems.

However, what struck me was that these younger people had such confidence – confidence that I am pretty sure that I never had at that age.

But, I also did feel at times that there was a little too much confidence & not enough modesty or opportunity to listen & learn from others.

Hey, I am not saying that us ‘oldies’ know it all – far from it & I truly believe we can learn a lot from diversity – however there were some times when they could have ‘turned down’ their self-promotion.

That said, I am not sure there was a deliberate lack of vulnerability – I think it was more of a naivety issue.

The same can’t be said of some business people that I meet. They just excel at the ‘cocky’ test – “They put themselves above others and want everyone to know how great they are.”

You know the sort – the ones you just want to get away from very quickly!

This article explains where that comes from & also helps us think about what our own core values are.

I am very clear on mine – are you on yours?



Ok, so maybe it’s the inner child in me but I LOVE Wallace & Gromit & I LOVED Morph when I was growing up.

So when I came across this, I just thought it was fabulous.

Now I know this has absolutely nothing to do with business, however I do think it might be a nice present for the family for Christmas if you adore plasticine characters like me.

If you believe the hype, these 3D Family Portraits are completely made to order and are designed by film industry artists who have worked on WALLACE AND GROMIT and with TIM BURTON. 

Who knows, but they are super cute!


What is confidence?

“Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong” – Peter T McIntyre. 

You can download this a wallpaper or lock screen for your phone.

BONUS – Following on from the success of the last session, we have one more session lined up in July & an extra one now in August – just before my birthday! Come & join us to learn the 6 keys to get what you want from your business. Email me if you’d like a complimentary ticket.


​If you’d like to learn more about any of these tools or would like to find out how I can help you achieve a better life through creating a better business, then book a free Discovery Call with me.

We’ll talk about what you want to get from your business & your life & come up with a plan to do that!

Debra Chantry-Taylor

Certified EOS Implementer | Accredited Family Business Advisor |  Entrepreneurial Leadership & Business Coach | Speaker & Workshop Facilitator