Better Business, Better Life Newsletter – Issue 18

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Here’s this week’s business tip, life hack & find of the week… And don’t forget the inspirational quote, which you can download as a wallpaper or lock screen for your phone.

As always, if you find great things that you’d like to share then feel free to email me for inclusion in one of my weekly newsletters.

BONUS – We’re running a series of events that teach the EOS Model & tools. If you’d like to attend & learn more about EOS, understand how to use the tools plus go home with a workbook & a copy of the Traction book (& a free lunch) then send me an email & I’ll send you a VIP code that will get you either a complimentary ticket or a discounted ticket to the event. See the link to the event at the bottom of the email.


Are you rocking your rocks? 

This article by fellow Australian EOS Implementer, Martin Quinn, tells the all too common story of companies wanting to set too many rocks & then wondering why they don’t achieve them.

I can almost guarantee that any company that sets more than 7 rocks will likely only get 1 or 2 completed (if they’re true rocks).

There’s a great study by Franklin Covey that shows that once you get past 3 measurables, the odds of completing them diminish rapidly. I’m not an academic so can’t source it & reference it in detail, however I do remember the purpose of the article – Less is more!

Read Martin’s top 5 tips on how to make your rocks rock:


Power nap like a pro!

Ok, so honestly it doesn’t really work for me but my colleague swears by it (yes that’s her in the picture with my dog, Apollo!)

And my sleep app that I have mentioned before (Sleep Cycle) has this to say about it:

“Congratulations – if you’re all into the power nap, you’re in illustrious company. Einstein, Winston Churchill, JFK, and even Leonardo da Vinci were all fans of the afternoon brain shut down. Whether this indicates some kind of connection to greatness is pushing it – but what isn’t in doubt are the benefits of taking 40 winks and enjoying a mental timeout from the rigors of the day.

There was a time when napping during the day found you labelled as a slob. A lazy degenerate with a bad attitude. Well, the sleepyheads out there will be pleased to hear that this is no longer the case – quite the opposite actually.

This article gives you the 5 rules to power nap like a pro!


AF Drinks 

Ok, so I actually discovered these months ago (or whenever it was that my friend, Lisa King, launched these), but I’m sharing them now as I’ve found them to be very helpful in my ‘moist’ July.

Yes, I wanted to do Dry July but in reality had too many functions & events on, so decided I would go for a slightly more dry than usual July – causing my husband to nickname it moist July 😁

I also started late in July, due to a couple of conferences, so won’t finish until 20th August – just in time for my birthday.

What I like about these drinks is that they almost feel like you’re having a real G&T – so you don’t feel quite so left out.

They did a fabulous 31 can pack for Dry July, which my old client, Matt from Think Packaging, designed, so by drinking these you are not only being more healthy but you are also helping 2 amazing business people!

You can order them here –


This week’s quote seems appropriate when talking about rocks!

“Focus is more important than intelligence” – Anonymous 

You can download this a wallpaper or lock screen for your phone.

BONUS – Following on from the success of the last session, we have one more session lined up in July & an extra one now in August – just before my birthday! Come & join us to learn the 6 keys to get what you want from your business. Email me if you’d like a complimentary ticket.


​If you’d like to learn more about any of these tools or would like to find out how I can help you achieve a better life through creating a better business, then book a free Discovery Call with me.

We’ll talk about what you want to get from your business & your life & come up with a plan to do that!

Debra Chantry-Taylor

Certified EOS Implementer | Accredited Family Business Advisor |  Entrepreneurial Leadership & Business Coach | Speaker & Workshop Facilitator