Better Business, Better Life Newsletter – Issue 16

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Here’s this week’s business tip, life hack & find of the week… And don’t forget the inspirational quote, which you can download as a wallpaper or lock screen for your phone.

As always, if you find great things that you’d like to share then feel free to email me for inclusion in one of my weekly newsletters.

BONUS – We’re running a series of events that teach the EOS Model & tools. If you’d like to attend & learn more about EOS, understand how to use the tools plus go home with a workbook & a copy of the Traction book (& a free lunch) then send me an email & I’ll send you a VIP code that will get you either a complimentary ticket or a discounted ticket to the event. See the link to the event at the bottom of the email.


Are your rocks being achieved each quarter? ​

Last week, I shared with you EOS’s Rocketfuel University – a free online tool designed to help Visionaries & Integrators work better together & in their respective roles.

This week, I’d like to highlight the importance of the Integrator in an organisation through this EOS article & why if you haven’t got this role right then you may be missing out on achieving your rocks!

“Visionaries are often founding entrepreneurs who are highly creative. They have a fountain of ideas and external focus that breathes life and new energy to the business. Those attributes also mean they aren’t well-suited to nitty-gritty management.

Integrators, on the other hand, love the details. They are the glue that holds the major functions of the business together and holds the leaders on the team individually and collectively accountable for results.”

Many times the Founder of a company tries to take on this role of the Integrator, but they are not naturally suited to it. What happens is that in quarterly meetings, teams commit to rocks & then as they return to their day to day roles, these things get lost on the fighting fires & the Visionary or Founder often doesn’t have time to help them & keep them on track.

If your team is not achieving your rocks each quarter then could it be you are missing an Integrator in your business?

If you read this article & realise that you are possibly missing an Integrator, but wonder how you can possibly afford it then you might be interested to hear what I am currently working on.

I am working with Your VA to develop & deliver Fractional Integrator services. These are huge in the US & we’re starting to get demand for them here now.

What is a Fractional Integrator? 

A fractional integrator is a qualified integrator that splits their time amongst several different companies.

For many businesses, they don’t yet need a full-time integrator so utilising the services of a fractional integrator makes perfect sense.

For a set monthly fee, you have access to an experienced & qualified integrator to help you keep the EOS process working throughout the business & keeping all the team on track & accountable.

This service works best when you are working with a professional EOS Implementer.

If you’d like to hear more about this offering, then please contact me & I can put you on the list to be contacted once this service is ready (2-3 weeks away).


The EOS life 

I was talking to Daniel Davis on my podcast this week. For those of you who don’t know Daniel, he is the man responsible for bringing EOS to the APAC region.

We talked about why he had the foresight to bring this great system & process to this region & the great community that he has built over this side of the world.

We also talked about the EOS life – this is what EOS is all about. Creating a life where you get to do what you love, with people you love, making a huge difference in the world, being compensated appropriately whilst having time to pursue other passions.

​Daniel talked to me about what this means for him & his family & how the V/TO (Or Vision Traction Organiser – a 2 page plan that powerfully puts everything about your business or life into a simple, easy to understand & follow document) has been the most powerful tool for him, his clients & his family.

With the new EOS rebrand, they have redeveloped this tool & it’s now a fillable pdf.

If you’d like a copy of this, then please head to the EOS site or flick me an email & I will send you one.

And if you’d like to hear more about the EOS life & how EOS came to be in NZ, then Daniel’s podcast will be released in around 5 weeks’ time.

His podcast & all our weekly podcasts can be found here –


A mild touch of the Cancer    

This week, I had the privilege of attending the Life Education Trust National Conference in Wellington. We were treated to a number of amazing keynote speakers & one of my favourites was David Downs.

Some of you may remember David from his ongoing articles in Stuff, called ‘A mild touch of the Cancer”.

David was diagnosed with cancer & went through 9 gruelling months of chemo treatment before being told that it was terminal & he only had 6 months to live.

His attitude has always been that “you can’t polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter” & so after making the most of his cancer treatments in hospital (Treating himself to a ‘holiday’ for a week each time he went in), he then also decided that he wasn’t ready to call it a day.

​He searched the world & found an experimental treatment in a hospital run by Harvard Medical School. At a mere cost of US$1million, he decided that he had to go for it & put his house on the market. It didn’t end up quite the way he anticipated which is what makes it such a great story!

David is a comedian & a strong business man, so the way he tells his story had us in hysterics.

In his book, ‘A mild touch of the Cancer’ –

He details his journey – I thoroughly recommend it as a good read.

And, if you know of anyone who is affected by cancer, then please do support the Malaghan Institute, who are doing the same CAR T-cell therapy work over here in New Zealand.


This week’s quote is all about choosing your attitude. Sometimes you can’t change what life throws at you but you can choose how you deal with it 😊

“You can’t polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter!” 

– David Downs 

You can download this a wallpaper or lock screen for your phone.

Update to EOS model & Business

EOS has recently moved to a new worldwide franchise model & underwent a rebranding exercise at the same time.

Last week, I was the first EOS Implementer in the APAC region to sign a licence agreement, so I am now an official EOS worldwide Licensee. 🎉🍾

This doesn’t affect what or how I deliver to clients, in fact it gives me access to even more world-class training & tools for you.

EOS Worldwide are working on a new EOS software tool, for companies running on EOS, the Rocketfuel University, for Visionaries & Integrators, & whole raft of other new tools – all with a much more professional look & feel, making them easier to use & helping you to master EOS in your teams.

What it does mean is that I will no longer be using the Business Traction brand. This was a brand that I adopted when I first signed up to use EOS & they allowed me to use the term Traction in my company brand.

However, as ‘Traction’ is a brand that is licenced to EOS & they are bringing everything back into the ONE EOS brand, I won’t using it going forward.

Instead, as  a licensee, I will be given an EOS worldwide email address & website & everything I produce will be purely EOS branded. Business Traction will disappear. This will take up to 3 months to be completely transitioned.

I still have my other businesses – Ventell / Business Action & The Common & there will be no changes to them. I will also continue to use my personal brand – (or  if you don’t want to type in such a long name!)

Better Business, Better Life is not only about EOS but it is an important part of my business so wanted to share this news with you.

The story of my EOS journey 

Just in case you wondered why I have chosen this path?

I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs live a Better Life through Creating a Better Business. It’s why I chose EOS 18 months ago & became one of only two Professional EOS Implementers in New Zealand.

It’s also why I have now signed the new licence agreement.

EOS exists to help people get what they want from their business. 

Our core values are:

Humbly Confident - We despise arrogance, and yet we know our stuff. We are vulnerable and know we aren’t perfect. We don’t put down the competition. We aren’t flashy. We just get the job done.

Grow or Die - We are more uncomfortable with the status quo than the prospect of change. We are “maximizers” and take everything from strong to superb. We are learners and are obsessed with getting better each day.

Help First - We must provide value before we receive anything. We believe that we will get what we want if we help enough people get what they want. We genuinely get a high from helping people.

Do the Right Thing - We enter the danger even when it makes us uncomfortable. No amount of money is worth betraying trust or violating these core values. We live in integrity. We are open and honest truth-tellers.

Do What We Say - We show up on time and fully deliver. It’s OK to say “no.” We take 100% responsibility for our actions and blame no one. We always finish what we start.

This core focus & core values are what first attracted me to EOS & I am pleased to now have cemented my relationship even further so that I can continue to help people live their best life! 💖

I will continue to work with businesses nationwide in New Zealand & also in Australia, using EOS as my preferred system & framework of choice.

I believe that my experience of running & leading businesses for 25+ years, my academic & leadership qualifications & my natural curiosity make me quite unique in being able to help people get what they want out of business & life.

BONUS – Last chance to get onto the next workshop for free.


​If you’d like to learn more about any of these tools or would like to find out how I can help you achieve a better life through creating a better business, then book a free Discovery Call with me.

We’ll talk about what you want to get from your business & your life & come up with a plan to do that!

Debra Chantry-Taylor

Certified EOS Implementer | Accredited Family Business Advisor |  Entrepreneurial Leadership & Business Coach | Speaker & Workshop Facilitator