Better Business, Better Life Newsletter – Issue 10

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Here’s this week’s business tip, life hack & find of the week… And don’t forget the inspirational quote, which you can download as a wallpaper or lock screen for your phone.

If you find great things that you’d like to share then feel free to email me for inclusion in one of my weekly newsletters.

BONUS – We’re running a series of events that teach the EOS Model & tools. If you’d like to attend & learn more about EOS, understand how to use the tools plus go home with a workbook & a copy of the Traction book (& a free lunch) then send me an email & I’ll send you a VIP code that will get you either a complimentary ticket or a discounted ticket to the event. See the link to the event at the bottom of the email.


Are you closing doors?

It’s been a tough year & it’s hard to always remain positive, however in a world where business interactions look like win-lose scenarios & there is so much comparison due to social media, it is easy to get caught up in a fear or lack of mentality.

Believing there are only a limited number of customers out there in your industry creates a scarcity mindset, which can create behaviours that close doors for you.

And it’s tough because some of us will be caught up in the day to day grind, continuously putting out fires.

We spend so much time paying attention to the things that go wrong that we might be overlooking the things that are going well.

So how do you achieve an abundance mindset?

This article on the EOS blog explains why “When you focus on all the things going right in your business, you may suddenly see more successes than failures.”

I’ve been guilty of this myself in the past, so it was a good reminder!


Spice up your life with Paprika!

Ok, so I don’t know how many of you cook or share the cooking but as an avid cook (& Steve too), we really love to cook but we’ve been terrible at coming up with meals. And I collect recipes but the old folder was getting fuller but without any way to easily pick a recipe.

And then my girlfriend, Charlotte, introduced me to Paprika.. Not the spice, that’s an old favourite, but the app.

This app enables you to download your favourite recipes into the database & then you can search on different types of meals based on your preference, or even what you have in the fridge or cupboard  at any given moment.

You can then plan meals for the week & create a shopping list if needed to.

We have this on an iPad in the kitchen & it means that whomever gets home first can look up the agreed recipe (or choose one if we haven’t already) & start cooking.

And if you don’t cook then get the wife, husband or kids onto it!


The EOS Leader Podcast

Entrepreneurial leaders thrive at the intersection of risk and opportunity. And every leader knows that becoming the best they can be is a lifelong journey. The great news is that you don’t have to go it alone.

The EOS Leader podcast brings you insightful and inspiring discussions from top companies running on EOS about how to be your best as a leader. Hosted by Mike Paton, Certified EOS Implementer® and former EOS Visionary, The EOS Leader podcast will give you the tools, guidance, and inspiration you need to help you take your leadership game from good to great.


On the theme of spicing up your life, our word for the year is adventure, so here’s a little quote that inspires adventure for you:

Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.

T.S. Eliot

Remember, you can download this quote as wallpaper or a screen lock image for your phone.

BONUS – Last chance to get onto the next workshop for free..


​If you’d like to learn more about any of these tools or would like to find out how I can help you achieve a better life through creating a better business, then book a free Discovery Call with me.

We’ll talk about what you want to get from your business & your life & come up with a plan to do that!

Debra Chantry-Taylor

Certified EOS Implementer | Accredited Family Business Advisor |  Entrepreneurial Leadership & Business Coach | Speaker & Workshop Facilitator