Better Business, Better Life – Issue 67

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As we head into another week, I take great pleasure in sharing my curated articles, tips & tools in a short read that will hopefully give you a few ‘aha’ moments as well as some laughter or joy. Most of all I hope it gives you pragmatic inspiration & helps you on your journey to doing what you love, with people you love, making a huge difference, being compensated appropriately with time to pursue other passions – #TheEOSLife.

Here’s this week’s business tip, life hack & find of the week… Some of them are original, most are things I have come across in my weekly pursuit of self-improvement & living a better life, through creating a better business. And don’t forget the inspirational quote, which you can download as a wallpaper or lock screen for your phone.

As always, if you find great things that you’d like to share then feel free to email me for inclusion in one of my weekly newsletters. I’m always looking for new & exciting things to share each week. And if you think someone else would like to receive the newsletter in their inbox, directly from my inbox (no newsletter apps used here!) then please let me know –


Not more recession talk?

Yes, I am back to talking about recession. But this week, I am focusing on the positives of a recession. The world has faced uncertain times before, and I’m sure it will again. But, how do companies thrive during financially rough times?

There’s a lot of opportunity in recessions, but it’s sometime hard to see, so in this article, HubSpot are sharing stories of 7 companies that grew during the recession and see how they succeeded during economic uncertainty.

Hopefully, this will give you some inspiration & ideas:

  1. TeamLogic IT
  2. Netflix
  3. Citigroup
  4. Lego
  5. Groupon
  6. Mailchimp
  7. Warby Parker

And yes, they’re all large companies – but they weren’t necessarily at the beginning of the recession they went through, in fact some were in start-up phase. It’s all about looking for the opportunities & having a laser sharp focus.

If you’re struggling to see the opportunities for your business then let’s have a chat. Sometimes we need someone external to help us & I can share some examples from my own clients that are thriving through the current, uncertain times:


Do you have enough toilet paper?

Do you remember what happened  when we first hit chaos? There’s a reason we ran out of toilet paper in the supermarkets. Because we were all searching for something we could control in world of chaos – looking for safety & security.

As Brendon Burchard tells us in his video (head up – it’s a bit American & a bit promotional, but still has some good points!), that was phase 1 of dealing with chaos & some people got stuck there.

Phase 2 was where we searched for ways to deal with stress better. We looked internally, what could we control & so we focused on taking care of ourselves, being present & practicing mindfulness.  And again, some people got stuck here.

Now it’s time for us to be in Phase 3 of moving through chaos – work, productivity, confidence, forward progress, real advancement & pulling through phase 1 & 2.

We need to be on our A game. We need to add value, really produce & build.

We need to develop habits, discipline & deliberate practices to advance our lives because the next couple of months is going to be tough.

This video is without a doubt a sales video for Brendon’s Growth Day programme, but there’s also some really key things that he talks about that you can use, even without doing his programme.

However, I also think his programme is ideal for if you are feeling stuck at any of the phases. By the way – I don’t get any commission or affiliate stuff from this – I just love his work.

I have been a fan of Brendon for many years. I came across his book, “Life’s Golden Ticket” when I was in a pretty dark space, just after my brother & my Mum died. It helped me get some perspective on life & stopped me going down the victim route.

If you haven’t read his book, then you should definitely take a look at it. Or if you know someone who is struggling with being stuck in Phase 1, then this is an ideal gift. It has some amazing life lessons, all told in a quick, easy to read story.


How do you go faster?

This week, I just wanted to share something that might challenge your thinking a wee bit.

You go faster by working together…

Take a look at this & see how caterpillars work together to go faster – such a great example of teamwork!


“As sure as the spring will follow the winter, prosperity and economic growth will follow recession…”

– Robert Foster Bennett

You can download this wallpaper or lock screen for your phone.


​If you’d like to learn more about any of these tools or would like to find out how I can help you achieve a better life through creating a better business, then book a free Discovery Call with me.

We’ll talk about what you want to get from your business & your life & come up with a plan to do that!

Debra Chantry-Taylor

Certified EOS Implementer | Accredited Family Business Advisor |  Entrepreneurial Leadership & Business Coach | Speaker & Workshop Facilitator