Better Business, Better Life – Issue 60

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As we head into another week, I take great pleasure in sharing my curated articles, tips & tools in a short read that will hopefully give you a few ‘aha’ moments as well as some laughter or joy. Most of all I hope it gives you pragmatic inspiration & helps you on your journey to doing what you love, with people you love, making a huge difference, being compensated appropriately with time to pursue other passions – #TheEOSLife.

Here’s this week’s business tip, life hack & find of the week… Some of them are original, most are things I have come across in my weekly pursuit of self-improvement & living a better life, through creating a better business. And don’t forget the inspirational quote, which you can download as a wallpaper or lock screen for your phone.

As always, if you find great things that you’d like to share then feel free to email me for inclusion in one of my weekly newsletters. I’m always looking for new & exciting things to share each week. And if you think someone else would like to receive the newsletter in their inbox, directly from my inbox (no newsletter apps used here!) then please let me know –


Do what you love…

But it doesn’t have to be what you do every day!

When we say do what you love, people often think this means you have to do your passion for a day job, but that’s not the case at all.

You absolutely have to love what you do, but what you do each day as a paid job may not be your passion. That’s why EOS life talks about allowing time for other passions.

My husband’s passion is playing music – he plays the bass trombone, trombone, tuba, guitar & some other things too.

So, I was happy to go along as a ‘groupie’ to watch him play Tuba in the Auckland Symphony Orchestra, accompanied by the Harbour Voices.

As you can see, I dressed up extra British for the occasion!

For those of you who aren’t British and have no clue what Proms is – it’s an annual, eight-week summer season of daily orchestral classical music concerts & other events at the Royal Albert Hall in London.

Auckland Symphony Orchestra has been hosting it here for the last 21 years and it’s a great excuse to dress up, have a chat with fellow Brits & treat our ears to some British classics.

This is in the Better Business section because making time for things you love (that are not related to your business whatsoever!) really set you up for excitement, productivity & flow when you do get back to work.

I was definitely rejuvenated after an evening out with Steve & couldn’t wait to get back to work 😉

And in August I’m taking some time out to do what I love… Travelling & photography. We shall be taking off to the South Island for 2 weeks of campervan travel, with Steve, the 2 hounds & our cameras.


How are you working on your relationship?

I know I go on about it but getting your relationship sorted is paramount to achieving business success.

You need your partner to be behind you – supporting you all the way… Especially when times are tough!

Even Gino talks about needing a good therapist in The EOS Life book because mental health impacts not just how you feel, but every aspect of your life – including your business & your relationships.

And I don’t just talk about how important it is, I book in time in my calendar to make sure I’m walking the talk!

Steve & I spent the weekend doing day 1 of ‘The Art and Science of Love’ virtual workshop for couples. It’s a full 8 hour day but we had an intermission where we went to the vet for Morpheus (our new Siamese kitten 😊).

Day 1 was about building friendship in your relationship and how to express feelings of respect & affection. Day 2 is about learning how to manage conflict & communicate effectively.

The workshop & all the resources were created by the Gottmans, a couple who have studied relationships for over 40 years. They’ve conducted the most extensive study ever done on marital stability & share their decades of research-based knowledge through books, courses & webinars.

You may have heard of them. They’re famous for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Through observing how a couple argues, they’re able to predict with 93.6% accuracy if the couple will end in divorce.

The key to the happy, stable relationships they have observed for decades is that both partners consistently find ways to turn towards each other.

I know I can get caught up in work & sometimes Steve has to text me asking where I am for me to realise I’m still at the office past 7!

So I try make a conscious effort to prioritise quality time together, especially in the weekend & also doing workshops like this one where we work on our relationship, just like you would work on your business or anything else important in your life.

How can you turn towards your partner today (or this weekend)?

Learn more about the Gottmans’ work & available resources:

And this is the workshop Steve & I are doing:


Free online training for entrepreneurs

This week I want to highlight a great opportunity for business owners that’s completely free!

As you may know, I’m part of the Business Blueprint community. I loved attending their conference in Fiji earlier this year & held EOS Masterclasses at the most recent one in May.

So I know first-hand that they are a great community full of passionate & engaged business owners (who also happen to be very lovely humans!)

They have a Business Freedom Summit coming up on Monday 21st June, a live training session for entrepreneurs who want are looking to get more freedom from their business, whether it is travelling & working from anywhere or having a business that makes money without you.

The session is packed with value. On the session information page, it says that over the course of 3 hours, you’ll learn:

  • How to automate your marketing so that it generates leads on autopilot
  • 3 technology tools that will help you make sales without sales calls
  • The 7 step formula to setting up your business to run with or without you
  • The 2 biggest beliefs that hold business owners back from success
  • The 8-word sentence that’ll fundamentally change how you think forever
  • The best way to build high-quality “Systems” fast and where to store them
  • What is the “Replacement Ladder” and why it’s the key to your freedom
  • How to implement project management software and use it like a pro
  • The 3 step formula to delegate and how to hire help for $5-7 per hour
  • How to become a great leader and empower your team to take charge
  • The 6 different ways to incentivise staff so they start thinking like owners
  • The checklist of over 100 tasks to turn your business into a scalable asset
  • How to create an effective 12-month action plan for your specific business

And it’s completely free 😊

If you’re interested, you can find session details & register here:


“Success is best when it’s shared.” – Howard Schultz

You can download this wallpaper or lock screen for your phone.


​If you’d like to learn more about any of these tools or would like to find out how I can help you achieve a better life through creating a better business, then book a free Discovery Call with me.

We’ll talk about what you want to get from your business & your life & come up with a plan to do that!

Debra Chantry-Taylor

Certified EOS Implementer | Accredited Family Business Advisor |  Entrepreneurial Leadership & Business Coach | Speaker & Workshop Facilitator