Better Business, Better Life – Issue 53

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As we head into another week, I take great pleasure in sharing my curated articles, tips & tools in a short read that will hopefully give you a few ‘aha’ moments as well as some laughter or joy. Most of all I hope it gives you pragmatic inspiration & helps you on your journey to doing what you love, with people you love, making a huge difference, being compensated appropriately with time to pursue other passions – #TheEOSLife.

Here’s this week’s business tip, life hack & find of the week… Some of them are original, most are things I have come across in my weekly pursuit of self-improvement & living a better life, through creating a better business. And don’t forget the inspirational quote, which you can download as a wallpaper or lock screen for your phone.

As always, if you find great things that you’d like to share then feel free to email me for inclusion in one of my weekly newsletters. I’m always looking for new & exciting things to share each week. And if you think someone else would like to receive the newsletter in their inbox, directly from my inbox (no newsletter apps used here!) then please let me know –


The only toolbox your business needs  

As business owners, we want to start the financial year strong, with a clear vision & an action plan that will bring results.

The first step is strengthening the foundation of your business – this will help drive results for your organisation. 

And this is where the EOS Toolbox™️ comes in. It’s a complete set of management tools for business leaders, that address and strengthen the Six Key Components™ of any business.

These tools get you taking practical action to get Traction in your business. There are 3 specific tools for Traction, but strengthening other key components, such as People with its 8 provided tools, is also getting you Traction.

Even if you have no knowledge or experience with EOS, every tool is designed to be easy to learn & use, because complexity reduces effectiveness.

And every single tool in the EOS Toolbox has been proven effective time & time again in the real world, with real businesses, in real situations.

These are all free to download here:

If you’re interested in learning more about these tools from me, come along to my free webinar on 6 May by clicking the button below:


Lessons from the longest study on happiness

What makes a good life? For countless people, their answer is immediate – be rich & famous! Of course there’s the classic quote ‘money doesn’t buy happiness’ – no, but it does makes life a whole lot easier!

But what truly makes the biggest positive impact in our lives?   

This Harvard study seeks to understand just that – what are the key factors that keep you happy & healthy well into your later years? It’s the longest study ever on adult development, spanning 75 years & following 724 men.

The study’s current director, Robert Waldinger, discusses the findings in his TED talk

The results overwhelmingly show that good relationships are what keeps us happier and healthier. Not just being in a committed relationship or having lots & lots of friends – it’s the quality of social connections in your community, with your loved ones, even enjoyable chats with people you encounter throughout your day.

Loneliness kills – and it seems to be a growing epidemic, expedited by Covid 🙁

And I think to some extent we all know this. We know that relationships are important & we need socialisation as human beings. But what was interesting is how having satisfying relationships at 50 is the strongest indicator of your wellbeing at 80. It’s not your mid-life cholesterol levels, blood pressure or even overall physical health.

This TED talk delves into just how much living in good, warm relationships is protective for your mind & body. I’m a people person through and through & it’s still made me reflect on how I can lean into relationships with friends, family & community.

What does that look like for you?


How long will we have our privacy?

During a conversation I had this week, I was reminded of a book I read a while ago. The premise is in equal parts satirical & creepy and was memorable enough for me to think, years later, ‘that sounds exactly like Ben Elton’s book!’

The novel is set in a bizarre world where everyone knows everything about everybody. We get a glimpse into a possible future where the privacy we take for granted is stripped away.

Amazon describes it as a “dark, savagely comic novel that imagines a postapocalyptic society where religious intolerance combines with a confessional sex-obsessed, self-centric culture to create a world where nakedness is modesty, ignorance is wisdom, and privacy is a dangerous perversion.”

I describe it as every day social media 😊

It’s a fun yet thought-provoking read – would love to hear your thoughts if you do pick it up!


“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust

Who is the person that comes to mind for you? Send them a happy message to make their day J

You can download this wallpaper or lock screen for your phone.


​If you’d like to learn more about any of these tools or would like to find out how I can help you achieve a better life through creating a better business, then book a free Discovery Call with me.

We’ll talk about what you want to get from your business & your life & come up with a plan to do that!

Debra Chantry-Taylor

Certified EOS Implementer | Accredited Family Business Advisor |  Entrepreneurial Leadership & Business Coach | Speaker & Workshop Facilitator