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Better Business, Better Life – Issue 49
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As we head into another week, I take great pleasure in sharing my curated articles, tips & tools in a short read that will hopefully give you a few ‘aha’ moments as well as some laughter or joy. Most of all I hope it gives you pragmatic inspiration & helps you on your journey to doing what you love, with people you love, making a huge difference, being compensated appropriately with time to pursue other passions – #TheEOSLife.
Here’s this week’s business tip, life hack & find of the week… Some of them are original, most are things I have come across in my weekly pursuit of self-improvement & living a better life, through creating a better business. And don’t forget the inspirational quote, which you can download as a wallpaper or lock screen for your phone.
As always, if you find great things that you’d like to share then feel free to email me for inclusion in one of my weekly newsletters. I’m always looking for new & exciting things to share each week. And if you think someone else would like to receive the newsletter in their inbox, directly from my inbox (no newsletter apps used here!) then please let me know –
Plan to succeed but KISS
As my intro suggested, I want everyone to have a really strong plan for their business.
Harvard Business Review says that:
- 85% of leadership teams spend less than 1 hour per month thinking about their strategy
- 95% of all employees have no idea what the plan is for the organisation
- 90% of strategic plans that are written go unexecuted
Shocking stats indeed, so why is that?
Trouble is most people have a vision in their head but they’re not good at getting it out of their head and into a format that everyone in the organisation can see, understand & follow.
Enter the EOS Vision/Traction Organisation or V/TO, which helps you to KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).
This simple tool has you answering 8 questions to articulate your Vision & your Plan to your team.
In this EOS video & blog, Mark O’Donnell, our EOS Visionary, takes you through how to work through this in less than 10 minutes.
If you’d prefer to see the Kiwi / Aussie version then join Jeni Clift & I at 11am today (Friday 1st April 2022) to see how you can pull together the 8 questions into your V/To as well as learn about all the other EOS tools, model & process.
As the GM of Geneva Capital said – “Best 90 minutes I have spent in the entire lockdown!”
If that date doesn’t suit then we have one each month that you can sign up to. It’s a no sales environment, so I guarantee you won’t be sold to… unless you want to be 😊
Are you being paid for what you are worth?
Ooh – it must be Mark O’Donnell’s appreciation week as this next cool article that I found is also by him.
Mark says that if you want to earn more then add more value!
Not really rocket science is it?
And it doesn’t just apply to businesses & business owners, but to everyone really.
But being compensated appropriately is part of the EOS Life principles that Gino talks about in his book.
This EOS blog takes you through the key things that you need to be doing to live the EOS Life:
- Doing what you love
- With people you love
- Making a huge difference
- Being compensated appropriately
- With time to pursue other passions
If you’d like a copy of Gino’s book which goes into far more detail on each of these 5 points & teaches you the 10 disciplines for Managing & Maximising your energy, then drop me an email & I’ll send one out to you – a proper hardcover book delivered by courier.
Relive your memories & create an Art Gallery in your home
We managed to get one of these with our Credit Card points & I am LOVING it.
What is it?
It’s a smart digital photo frame – 21” in size that looks like a picture on your wall.
You link it to your google photos & your phone & you can beam up albums or favourite photos from your phone.
Or if you want something less personal, you can choose to have art images – just about anything that fits on the screen really.
It is on a swivel so that you can turn it landscape or portrait at any time & honestly I am seriously considering getting a second one so that I can do both at the same time!
Pro Tip: Don’t let Google photos automatically pick photos of you if you have been married 3 times… you can’t exclude people so you may end up with photos of ex-husbands on the big screen 😊
PB Tech seems to have the cheapest price now that the Noel Leeming offer has ended, which is where I got ours from:
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now.” – Unknown – even QI couldn’t find the source!
You can download this wallpaper or lock screen for your phone.
If you’d like to learn more about any of these tools or would like to find out how I can help you achieve a better life through creating a better business, then book a free Discovery Call with me.
We’ll talk about what you want to get from your business & your life & come up with a plan to do that!
Debra Chantry-Taylor
Certified EOS Implementer | Accredited Family Business Advisor | Entrepreneurial Leadership & Business Coach | Speaker & Workshop Facilitator