Better Business, Better Life – Issue 120

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I am writing this from a plane on the way to Melbourne.

I’ve got an exciting two weeks ahead. I’m starting the EOS Journey with a new client and attending our EOS Quarterly Session to review and plan. I’ll present a workshop on ‘PEOPLE: Creating an Intentional Culture’ to Entrepreneurs Organisation Members in Melbourne.

I’ll catch up with my EO mentee (who, btw has had the best 6 months since we’ve been working together!) and spend King’s Birthday with Steve in Melbourne. We’ve got a to-do list from last time, so hopefully, we can tick a few things off.

Melbourne feels like my second home, and I’ll be here often over the next two months for end-of-year planning with clients. I’m looking for a regular self-catering apartment or a shared room – any recommendations? I prefer not to stay in hotels as I like to cook my meals, but a gym and pool would be a bonus.


Are You Building An Intentional Culture or Is It A Happy Accident?


So, back to work-related things…

In this week’s newsletter, I’d like to talk about building an intentional culture.

The new EOS People book details this. If you’ve got an established team and want a copy, I have some on order from the US. Just hit me up by replying to this email.

I was privileged to proofread it before it went to print (my name is in the acknowledgements, which is pretty special!), and I loved it.

It’s part of the EOS series that goes deeper into the six key components. The first book covered Process; now it’s People’s turn. The book starts with the idea that you have either an Intentional Culture or one of these:

  • Happy Accident
  • Chaotic Culture
  • Command & Control

You can find out which you are and you can improve by doing this test

Now, How do EOS tools help build an intentional culture? It begins on the Focus Day with the 5 Leadership Abilities:

  • Simplify
  • Delegate
  • Predict
  • Systemise
  • Structure

And by building the Accountability Chart and introducing the 5 foundational tools, we ensure the structure, discipline, and accountability needed to deliver on the business vision and plan.

This crucial part of the EOS Proven Process is often missed by self-implementers, likely because the Accountability Chart is one of the most complex tools to create.

Every self-implementing company I’ve worked with struggled with the Accountability Chart, which is crucial for the Right People, Right Seats principle. It’s a challenging exercise because it questions long-standing roles and usually takes 2-3 hours, sometimes up to 9 hours, I believe… Eek!

And then during Vision Building Days, we develop Core Values and use the People Analyser. We don’t discard existing core values but refine them to ensure they reflect who you are.

We will also always sanity-check that we don’t have too many Core Values. I once had a client who had 9 Core Values, and when I asked the shareholders to name them, they couldn’t get past 3.

So, we reduce them to 3-5 to make them more memorable. If I’m honest, I prefer 3-4, but certainly no more than 5! Sometimes, clients start with 5 and condense them to 3 over time.

Once Core Values are established, we use the People Analyser to ensure everyone shares these values (Right People) and GWCs their role (Right Seat).

If either of these is missing, then we have a People Issue, and it needs to be dealt with….. That’s the tough part!

That’s just a quick overview of 3 of the EOS tools that help with building an intentional culture. You’ll find more details in the articles I have shared below.

If you’d like to find out more about how EOS will help you build an Intentional Culture and the benefits of that, just hit REPLY and book us in for a chat.

But, before I go, I’ve got some exciting news to share!

We’ve got two amazing events coming up that you wouldn’t want to miss.

For our Auckland-based friends, you’re in luck. You can join us in person for “Scaling Up for Success” and “Strong in Six: EOS Financial Services”. It’s going to be a fantastic opportunity to network, learn, and grow together.

But wait, there’s more!

Fear not for those of you who are further away or prefer to attend from the comfort of your own home! You can still be a part of the action by joining us online for both events.

Best part? We’re offering a special discount code just for you. Use code DEBRA80 at checkout to get a whopping 80% off the standard price. Yep, you read that right!

There’s no excuse to miss out on these fantastic events whether you’re near or far. So, mark your calendars and grab your tickets now.

Just click the buttons below if you want to join us in these life-changing events. I can’t wait to see you there!


This section gives you quick access to 9 links - to articles, blogs, podcasts & stuff that will help you to create a better business & lead a better life.

Better Business Articles

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Building A Strong Culture

Create a strong company culture with simplified strategies.

business action

Tribal Lingo and Company Culture

Build a unified culture through common language.

business action

The Culture Quadrant Explained

How culture quadrant optimises organisational culture.

Podcasts to Listen to

business action

Creating a Human Culture

Cultivate a human-centered workplace culture.

business action

Elevate The Genius Around You

Unlock your team’s potential through Dan Williams’ insights.

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Sales Mastery & Workplace Culture

Transform your workplace culture and business sales.

Better Life Articles

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Finding Your Way Forward

Practice strategies to enhance physical well-being at work.

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Practicing Mindfulness at Work

Explore practical tips for a mindful workday experience.

business action

Reimagine Employee Wellness

Discover innovative workplace wellness solutions by Wellable.


In this section, I introduce the team & our Trusted Partners.

I’m thrilled to shine a spotlight on one of our remarkable partners, John Maybury.

John is an expert in presentation skills and has a rich media background. He’s got this incredible talent for helping people communicate better and connect more authentically with their audience.

His friendly, down-to-earth approach makes learning fun and effective.

Whether you’re looking to improve your public speaking or just want to get better at presenting your ideas, John’s your guy.

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How do you help people?  

I help SME business owners and experts start business conversations by telling stories. Then, I help them amplify those stories through content, video and speaking.

Why did you get into what you are doing? 

When I was a youngster growing up on Auckland’s north shore, I was surrounded by famous people with good stories to tell. They were actors, TV personalities, radio announcers, magicians, MC’s, show people, who just loved life and wanted to have fun.  As a six-year-old, that sounded pretty cool so it was then I decided I would follow the footsteps of my father and grandfather into radio broadcasting and show business.

But at about the age of 10, I developed a stutter.

That complete loss of power when you open your mouth to speak. I remember lining up at the canteen at Rosmini College in Takapuna, surrounded by 20 pre-pubescent boys. I’d plan out what I wanted and practice in my head. But I’d get to the front of the queue and say, “C-c-c-c-ould I-I-I-I-I have a m-m-m-meat pie. “My mother said to me that perhaps this broadcasting thing wasn’t for me.

But I was determined.

I met a lady named Carol, who introduced me to the theatre. She helped me with my confidence standing on the stage in front of people. Then I met Meredith, who taught me how to speak. She helped me understand my instrument—my voice and speech—so I could be understood.

Then, aged 21, I didn’t have a stutter.

I went on to work in broadcasting for 10 years as a radio announcer, commercial voice artist, and newsreader at stations like ZM, Newstalk ZB, Hauraki, and The Hits. This frames my why: consistent, imperfect action.

If I can overcome a stutter, then I can help folks with what they say (to connect) and how they say it (on stage or video) to get the result they’re looking for.

What do you love about it? 

Seeing my clients take (imperfect) action and get the result.

What do you do in your spare time, pursuing other passions?

I’m a workaholic. I really do love what I do. So I’m always looking at strategies to collaborate (my most recent video offer as an example). But I love cooking and watching (and occasionally playing) golf.

Tell us something that very few people know about you

I have nine great nieces and nephews, all under 10, so you can imagine what Christmas is like when the family gets together. It’s a nightmare.


I’ve just finished re-reading People: Dare to Build an Intentional Culture from the EOS Mastery Series. I read it the first time as a proofreader for the team, and now I am back reading it again to become a Master myself!

Released on April 2, 2024, this book is packed with insights on creating and maintaining a thriving workplace culture.

What stood out to me is the focus on intentionality—it’s not just about setting up a culture but continuously nurturing it!

Here are some of my favourite takeaways:

  • Core Values that Stick: Great tips for embedding your company’s core values into everyday actions.
  • Healthy Cultural Habits: Practical advice on fostering habits that boost productivity and satisfaction.
  • Talent Attraction and Retention: Smart strategies for getting and keeping the right people on board.
  • Energy Management: Clever ideas on how to channel your team’s energy towards common goals.

One phrase from the book that I loved: “Culture isn’t built in a day; it’s built every day.” This sums up the book’s approach perfectly.

It’s not just theory; it’s actionable advice you can start using immediately.

Whether you’re a new leader or a seasoned pro, you’ll find something valuable here.

If you’re serious about improving your workplace culture, just click the button below.

Or hit me up for a copy.

Trust me, you won’t regret it.

We are here to help you live a better life by creating a better business. We are real-life business owners with years of experience & a strong desire to make a huge difference to the lives of entrepreneurs.

If anything here resonates with you or you would like our help, then please get in contact. Just reply to this newsletter & let us know who you would like to speak to…. Or visit our webpage & contact any of our team from their own pages.

If you know someone who would benefit from reading this, then please forward it onto them. 💖


​If you’d like to learn more about any of these tools or would like to find out how I can help you achieve a better life through creating a better business, then book a free Discovery Call with me.

We’ll talk about what you want to get from your business & your life & come up with a plan to do that!

Debra Chantry-Taylor

Certified EOS Implementer | Accredited Family Business Advisor |  Entrepreneurial Leadership & Business Coach | Speaker & Workshop Facilitator