How to Leverage Your VA [ROI for Agencies]

Justine Parsons

Any agency owner is well aware of the challenge of balancing new clients with team capacity.  This is an excerpt of an actual frustration noted in a discovery call questionnaire:

Time spent doing things that don’t require me to do them. Sourcing new business, sourcing the network of freelancers to support the new work, effectively servicing current clients whilst bringing on board new ones…and personally – fear, lack of motivation / feeling overwhelmed.

During our discovery call we discussed the following possible solutions:

  • a flexible team of experts to address capacity issues.
  • a VBM working alongside her to help build scalable systems and processes
  • monthly check-ins with Justine to address finding that passion for her business again

The Goal: Provide revenue-generating team capacity while helping to find the right people, at the right time, to join my agency.

This agency needed a long term solution to the chicken and egg problem: client vs team.

The agency owner had also made some bad hires under pressure, resulting in her being pulled back into the weeds to rectify mistakes (and deadlines missed).  This factor alone was a big contributor to her feeling overwhelmed and unmotivated.  She’d become a firefighter.

The Solution: A flexible resource of qualified experts to address the missing resources in the interim.

As new clients were onboarded, our VBM set up each project and assigned our VA’s to relevant tasks.

At the same time our recruitment specialist opened applicants for the new freelancers needed to meet new client demand.

We tracked our time using their client codes, in their ClickUp account for ease of invoicing.

With templated systems set up around best practice, onboarding, customer delivery and recruitment, quality of service was once again something our agency owner was proud of.

The Results: ROI of $4,270

The agency charges a standard monthly retainer of $3,400.

Using our VA team to deliver components of the retainer is a monthly investment of $2,220.

Having freed her from operations and client work to bring in new business, the agency brought in 3 clients in our first month of working together. Delivery was shared between her existing team of freelancers and our VAs.

How we measured ROI

  • VA Investment$2,200

    30 VA hours

  • Additional Retainer Revenue$10,200

    3 x retainers equate to 60 agency hours

  • Return on VA Investment$2,880

    30 VA hours charged at a margin of $96 per hour

One Action

Being clear on your ROI will help with your decision making on whether to hire within our outsource in the immediate future.

How can you increase your agency revenue without overwhelm or a drop in quality of delivery?  What would the ROI be?

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