Business Strategy Services – An Investment In Your Future

It’s that time of year, where we generally sign off for Christmas & the year, go away on holiday & if you’re anything like me, as soon as I start relaxing, I start thinking about next year.

That’s why I always take my V/TO away with me, along with my remarkable.

In between reading business books (& some trashy novels), I start to review my business strategy for the next financial year.

If you’re wondering what a V/TO is, it’s the Vision Traction Organiser, one of the EOS tools to help you clarify your vision & develop a business strategy & plan, to get the results you want from your business. It’s effectively a full long-term & business strategy & plan on 2 pages.

By answering 8 simple (but not easy!) questions, with your leadership team, you have a 2-page business strategy that everyone gets to see & knows how they fit into the overall business plan.

The 8 questions are:

1.      What are your core values?

2.     What is your core focus?

3.     What is your 10-Year Target

4.    What is your Marketing Strategy?

5.     What is your 3-Year Picture?

6.     What are your 1 -Year Goals

7.     What are your 90-Day Rocks?

8.     What are your strategic Issues/

These are not necessarily questions that you can answer on your own, especially if you have teams that work with you in the business. To get their buy-in & to get everyone 100% on the same page, you need to work together with your entire leadership team to answer these questions.

So, when I go away, I’m not looking to write this business strategy on my own, I’m just getting myself thinking about what’s working, what’s not working & setting myself up to have the conversation with the team at our Annual Planning days.

The process of getting to the answers for these 8 questions, is to bring the team together in a room & facilitate discussion, allowing everyone to have input so that we arrive at a shared understanding & we’re all 100% on the same page.

However, being prepared with your ideas is always good, so doing some homework as the business owner is not a bad thing… As long as you are prepared to be open-minded when you meet with the team… They may have some great ideas too.

Sometimes facilitating these sessions is not something that someone internally can do, especially if you’re the business owner.

Sometimes you just need some outside help, to stop you from making decisions by committee, which always ends badly, or from going round & round in circles or worst case scenario, having everyone agree with you just because you are the boss… guaranteed not to get that 100% buy-in & commitment!

And that’s where someone like myself, an EOS Implementer, can help with our business strategy services.

We will spend the time with your team to ensure that you get to a 100% shared vision & plan.

We are trained to set the context, through teaching why these questions are important & how they should be answered. We then facilitate the discussion amongst the team to ensure everyone I heard & all ideas are put onto the table & then we coach you to get the answers out & agreed upon.

We’ll then have you populate the answers into a simple 2-page plan or V/TO (Vision Traction Organizer) that can be shared with the entire company team.

Best thing is our business strategy services, using our proven process, are 100% guaranteed. If you don’t get value from the session, then you don’t pay!

If you’d like to find out more – please visit –

Written by Debra Chantry-Taylor – Founder of Business Action, EOS Worldwide Licencee | EOS Implementer | Accredited Family Business Advisor

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