Online Strategy

Digital marketing | online strategy | e-commerce

You hear so much about online & social media these days…

You’ve got to have a website…

  • It’s got be SEO friendly…
  • You need to have a facebook, instagram, pinterest, twitter, myspace, youtube, flickr page…
  • You need to have banner advertising…
  • You’ve got to have Google Adwords campaigns…
  • You need an iPhone / Android / Google App…
  • You really should be blogging…
  • You need to have a good viral campaign…
  • You’ve got to be doing email campaigns & email marketing…

It’s true… Online/ Interactive is very much a growing channel & you need to be having conversations with these people.


For only $997 + GST you will:

  • Have a full online competitive analysis of your business against your 3 main competitors
  • Gain an understanding of where your are performing well and what improvements you can make
  • Have a roadmap to take your website and social media to the next level

Our Website and Social Media Review Package will give you the road map to help maximise your digital budget

If you are interested in a brief chat, please Email Us or give us a call – 0800 332 007.

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Social Media

In New Zealand alone, there are at least:

  • 2.1 million Facebook users
  • 530,036 users of LinkedIn
  • 373,272 Twitter accounts with 19,436 engaged users

And that’s just locally… Imagine the potential overseas! (Source – Catalyst90)

However, a lot of businesses jump into these things without really understanding what they are doing & why they are doing it… And more importantly, what’s in it for the customer?

All too often we find businesses have set up all the sites & campaigns but they’re not getting the results or the required Return on Investment (ROI)… And usually it’s because they didn’t clearly define what each of these channels purpose is. Image result for social mediaImage result for social media

Put simply, none of these channels should be set up unless you have answered the following:

  • Why are we doing this? ie What are the business objectives? Is it information, conversations with our customers, brand awareness or customer service? Each of these have a different purpose.
  • What will we measure success against? ie Are we looking for number of users/visits or is it about engagement & call to action? Is it about leads & sales conversion?
  • What’s in it for the customer? ie Why would they want / need to visit your website, facebook site etc. or Why would they follow you on twitter? What do they actually want from you?

Online / Interactive / Digital… Whatever you call it… is definitely about enabling conversations & building your brand online, but it may also be about increasing sales & improving customer service, as well as many other things. And without the right tools, channels & good usability (developed from an understanding of your customer needs), your efforts can be wasted.

Having a site, app or presence is not enough… Before you embark on a journey into the Online / Interactive world, or if you feel your Online strategy needs some review, feel free to give us a call & have a chat.

We’ve worked with all types of companies to help them develop their Online / Interactive strategy. We’ve also worked with them & a range of suppliers to get the tools delivered to enable them to achieve their business objectives.

Our first consultation is a free, no obligation coffee meeting (where we’ll shout the coffee).

We’ll take some time to get to know each other, we’ll talk about the business & the issues you want to tackle…  Then you can decide whether or not you think we can help you.

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Website & Social Media Review

Do you know what’s holding back your website from performing?

How is your social media profile? How do you compare to your competitors?

What’s stopping people from finding you, picking up the phone or buying from you? How can you get more customers from the online space?

This comprehensive review will take a look at our website and your social media and show you how it is performing from usability and conversion perspective.

It will also examine your on-page Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and show you how you can improve it. We’ll compare this to your 3 main competitors and give you feedback that, when implemented, can make an immediate difference to your results.

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